Appartment facilities
Free parking
Daily maid
Air Conditioning
Free access to the internet
Fully Equipped Kitchen (kitchenette, refrigerator, kitchen utensils, coffemakers for filtre and espresso coffee, sandwich toaster)
Lending Library
Board games
Payment with credit cards
Free parking
Daily maid
Air Conditioning
Free access to the internet
Fully Equipped Kitchen (kitchenette, refrigerator, kitchen utensils, coffemakers for filtre and espresso coffee, sandwich toaster)
Lending Library
Board games
Payment with credit cards
Executive services (upon request)
Υoga lessons
Tai Massage
Private feldenkrais sessions
Hiking Trails to the ancien footpaths of Syros and swimming to the pristine beaches of Apano Meria
Daily cruises to the north beaches of Syros
Salt water diving expeditions
Windsurfing and SUP lessons
Riding lessons for both beginner and advanced riders / trail riding